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Why Inkmi - a job site for CTO jobs

CTOs need more dream jobs

Inkmi is a website for companies wanting to find and hire CTOs, VPs of Engineering, senior engineering leaders, and senior developers. We’re giving tips on salary, recruiting, and what to look for in a CTO on the Inkmi Blog.

I recently launched Inkmi - Dream Jobs for CTOs . Do we need another job site? Do CTOs need a job site?

Yes and yes. Let me explain.

I was an engineering manager early on in my career. And became a CTO
in my first startup. My career then sidestepped with some consulting and working as an engineering manager at a large company. I’ve learned from both, but it felt like a sidestep in my career.

It isn’t easy to find CTO jobs, and it wasn’t easy back then, although I really wanted to become CTO and I was more than ready.

To make it easier for other people in the same situation to find a CTO job, I have created Inkmi

Several of my CTO coaching clients expressed their wishes to change the company but stay a CTO and asked me how they find another great job? So I created Inkmi .

And I’ve met several CTOs who are not happy about their current job. But every CTO should have their dream job. So I’ve created Inkmi , for them to find their dream job.

About Inkmi

Inkmi is a website with Dream Jobs for CTOs. We're on a mission to transform the industry to create more dream jobs for CTOs. If you're a seasoned CTO looking for a new job, or a senior developer ready for your first CTO calling, head over to and tell us what your dream job looks like!

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